Relevant Rules and Regulations
Chulalongkorn University Announcement Re: Policy for Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Management B.E. 2565 (2022)
With a strong commitment to become a sustainable “green” university, Chulalongkorn University is aware of the significance of sustainable resource consumption and waste management. Aiming to become a model institution for zero-waste management, the university deems it appropriate to issue an announcement on solid waste and hazardous waste management policy.
By virtue of Sections 27 and 32 of the Chulalongkorn University Act B.E. 2551, the President, on the recommendation of the Committee for Sustainable University Policy in consideration by circular resolution on November 8, 2022, orders the rescinding of Chulalongkorn University Announcement re: Policy for Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Management B.E. 2560, dated August 15, 2017, and issues the following announcement:
1. This announcement shall be called “Chulalongkorn University Announcement re: Policy for Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Management B.E. 2565”.
2. This announcement shall take effect on the next day following the announcement.
3. That the university and its work units carry out the development and administration of a waste management process from beginning to end. The focus is on the Chula community including students, university employees and shop operators or service providers on the university’s premises, to ensure that all operations are fully integrated and effective.
4. That the university and its work units reduce the creation of waste and adopt the practice of waste sorting, in line with the 3R concept: reduce, reuse and recycle.
5. That the university and its work units support the Chula community, users in the university area, and those staging events organized on university premises, to participate in land and sea environmental conservation efforts, by reducing the use of single-use plastic and choosing eco-friendly materials, raw materials and products, as specified in the university’s guidelines.
6. That the university and its work units, when implementing waste sorting, management and recycling, define waste on university premises by 5 types as follows:
(1) Food waste: divided into two parts:
A. Food waste from food store operators, mostly vegetable and fruit peels. This kind of waste can be fed into a bio-digester machine and converted into biomaterials for soil improvement.
B. Food waste from canteen users, mostly left-over food. This kind of food waste can be donated to farmers to be used as animal feed.
(2) Recyclable waste: meaning materials that can be processed and used again, such as waste materials that can be sold to recycling vendors, and low-value waste materials that cannot be sold but can be given away for further use.
(3) Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) waste: meaning waste from any single-use packaging such as plastic bags, paper cups, paper plates, plastic boxes, straws, plastic spoons, wooden chopsticks, snack packaging, plastic envelopes, plastic coated papers and other plastics that are dry, clean or minimally contaminated by food. These have high heating value which can be used to generate alternative energy in cement production factories.
(4) Hazardous waste: meaning waste that has properties or contains substances that are dangerous, toxic, corrosive and inflammable such as dry batteries, light bulbs, electronics, etc. This type of waste will be sent to be properly disposed.
(5) Other waste: including any waste aside from food waste, recyclable waste, RDF waste and hazardous waste.
7. That the university and its work units emphasize awareness creation campaigns for the Chula community to reduce, segregate and recycle waste, to build a culture of sustainable waste management and efficient use of resources.
8. That the university and its work units promote education, research and innovation by the Chula community to collaborate in sustainable waste management.
9. That the university and its work units develop the Chula community into a model of sustainable waste management and extend these practices to other communities, societies and the country.
10. That the university and its work units set measurable and sustainable goals for monitoring, evaluation and performance reports, which will lead to the true achievement of sustainable development goals.
11. That the President be in charge of policy implementation according to this announcement. In the event of any problem of interpretation or operations, the decision of the President shall be final.
Announced on November 10, 2022
Prof. Dr. Bundhit Eua-arporn
- Chula Zero Waste Project
- Environmental Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University
- Office of Physical Resources Management, Chulalongkorn University
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