Terms of reference for cleaning work
at West-Zone Buildings 1:

  1. Chamchuri Building 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8
  2. Central Canteen, University office
  3. Pinitprachanart Building
  4. Central Canteen, Pinitprachanart Building
  5. Ruan Chula Narumit

Issued by:

The Division of Building and Facility Operations, Office of Physical Resources Management, Chulalongkorn University.

This document is composed of 12 pages.

Section 2: Maintenance of Cleanliness.

1. Objectives

To maintain cleanliness in accordance with the employer’s standards, all sections of the buildings must be clean and without unpleasant odour. Employees must consistently and precisely ensure the cleanliness of all aforementioned areas. In the process of working, employees must make a monthly action plan to present to their employer before the first of each month. If there are any issues beyond the employee’s ability to decide, please inform the employer as soon as possible so that they can act on the problem and their tasks won’t be interrupted.

2. Scope of work

The buildings and areas in which the employees have to maintain cleanliness are shown in the building plan attached at the end of the ToR.     

2.1 Chamchuri Building 1, 2, 3 and all connecting routes.

Area size: 3,952 square meters.

 2.1.1 Cleaning common areas. (5 employees).

  • Areas inside the rooms 104-107 and the basement at Chamchuri 1, on the 1st floor.
  • Areas inside the rooms 204-211 at Chamchuri 1, on the 2nd floor.
  • Public toilets for men and women, all pipes and pipe caps.
  • Windows outside and inside, all glass windows (which can be cleaned on every floor).
  • All common walkways, ceilings, balconies, stairs, and fire extinguishers.
  • All yards surrounding the buildings. Staff duties: collect, sort and record waste quantities in accordance with university’s waste management guidelines. This includes taking garbage each specified area according to its category.